Winner of Photo Challenge Week 11 - November
This November challenge marks the end of these photo challenges for 2023, but don't worry, they'll be back early January again! Thank you everyone who's been a part of making these challenges!
So many amazing and incredible submissions this week, yet again! I barely knew where to start, but after a lot of deliberation and looking through all the submissions, I’m happy with my choices and I hope you are too!
*IMPORTANT NOTE: This post is obviously too long for emails according to Substack, so if you want to see the post in its entirety I suggest you read it on either the Substack App or website. I highly recommend using your desktop to view it, all these submissions deserve it!
The next challenge will be announced shortly.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: This challenge marked the end for these challenges for the year 2023, but don’t worry, these challenges will come back in January of 2024 again! I’m taking December off due to various things happening and going on so I can fully focus on that.
The Winner -
I decided with
photo due to its mysterious look and feel. The composition, the lighting, the shadows, the intensity and the leading lines are just impeccable. I love the how the bridge just disappears into the fog in the distance while parts are still poking out.Pierre nailed it here, it’s just an incredible photo that deserve the recognition. It’s beautiful and is, without a doubt, a photo I’d put on my wall.
While you’re at it, head on over to the Note itself, leave a like and comment and make sure to give Pierre a follow and subscription, his work is stunning.
Pierre is also on Instagram, so make sure to give him a follow if you’re on Instagram as well! His work deserve to have many more followers, it is stunning and Pierre is clearly extremely talented and professional.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Pierre and his Tales of Ink and Light newsletter. Pierre is a professional photographer and if you love this winning entry, you’ll definitely love his other work, it’s equally stunning!
Honorable Mentions
Choosing the runner-ups for this week was, as always, extremely hard, but so much fun! There’s such a contrast between these runner-ups in terms of style, composition and objects. I love it!
This time we have
, , , with their amazingly gorgeous and stunning submissions.Tamzin’s submission is so warm and inviting, especially in today’s cold weather where I live. The light in the condensation brings the warmth and creates such a lovely natural effect of warmth and cold at the same time, I love it!
Stunning photo Tamzin, it’s beautiful!
Tamzin is a visual artist, writer and mentor, but I’d add photographer to that as well. If you’re not following her work on Instagram, do so right now, her work is beautiful!
Don’t forget to give Tamzin’s Substack - Resurface a subscription and follow while you’re at it, her work is gorgeous and her writing fantastic, you won’t regret it!
Amazing work Miranda, such a gorgeous photo!
Miranda is a Writer. Photographer. Gardening and nature nut. Obsessed with storytelling. In her own words and I couldn’t agree more with the photographer part, her submissions are stunning!
Make sure to follow Miranda on Instagram, she’s extremely talented.
Do not forget to subscribe to Miranda and her Substack - Root Stories, you really won’t regret it. Her work is amazing and very helpful if you’re a storyteller, just check her post How to tell a compelling story in a 2,200-character Instagram caption if you don’t believe me.
I love it, Julia! Stunning!
Don’t forget to subscribe to Julia and her of rosemary and time newsletter. I’ll let her explain what it is in her own words as I could never explain it so well; Every page of this digital scrapbook is a collage of memories, realizations, observations, occasional sketches, notes-to-self, and slightly out-of-focus photographs.
So toss her a subscription, I honestly think you’ll like her quite a bit.
Natasha, fantastic work! Beautiful, just beautiful!
If you’re on Instagram, toss Natasha a follow, her work there is just as beautiful and stunning as the one’s she submitted for this challenge.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Natasha and her newsletter - casual simplicity - while you’re at it.
I’m leaving it at four runner-ups today, because choosing anymore would be far too difficult to do as so many deserve it, there were so many stunning photos submitted this week I had a hard enough time choosing as it is.
Again, thank you everyone who’s participated in this challenge! It’s been so much fun seeing everyones submissions! I hope everyone who participated in this challenge joins next year as well.
I hope to see all of you and many more in future challenges!
Make sure to check out all submissions that I got this week. All submissions are beautiful and deserves recognition. As this is the last challenge for this year, I want to highlight everyone as much as possible so yet again I’m tagging everyone and including a link to the note itself.

Photos show up in this order:
Again there were a lot of submissions, more than would fit in a single gallery, so here’s another gallery to showcase the rest of this week’s beautiful submissions.

Photos show up in this order:
Due to me being a derp (and having a migraine), I missed a lovely submission from a Nordic neighbor of mine, so make sure to go and show her some love! If I missed anyone else, please let me know!

- - Note
Make sure to check everyone out, leave a like and comment on their submissions (they all deserve the recognition), toss them a follow and subscription while you’re at it!
Every single person who submitted and entered deserves at least a follow, and if you like their content, give them a subscription!
PS: If I have somehow missed someone, I do apologize, but I’ve been battling a migraine all week so my brain may or may not have malfunctioned in places. If I did somehow miss your submission. Please let me know so I can rectify that ASAP!
Thank you everyone who’s subscribed, followed, participated or just engaged in any way, you’re all awesome!
Next Challenge Coming Soon
This November challenge marked the end of these challenges for 2023! In a couple of days I will post an announcement post about what the plan is moving forward for these challenges and more. So stay tuned!
In it, I will also announce when the next challenge is!
Feel free to tag me in whatever you’re writing, or if you have a challenge you’d like to see me participate in.
Don’t miss out on these challenges, subscribe today to never miss a challenge.
Thank you so much, Patrik! Pierre’s photo is a very worthy winner indeed. It’s a stunning image. I’m delighted to be among your honourable mentions. Some truly gorgeous and evocative images. I’ll look out for January’s challenge and hope you’re fighting fit and migraine free long before then, Patrik.
I think I commented on them all. It was fun to leave little bits of encouragement. Congratulations Pierre! Great choice!